Typos p. xvi: B.B.M. [= R.B.M.]
The Choice of a Mate
[The International Library of Sexology and Psychology]
Anthony M. Ludovici
With an Introduction by Norman Haire
John Lane The Bodley Head
- p. v -
I know of few writers in this field whose work gives me greater stimulation and pleasure, even when I disagree with him, than does that of A. M. Ludovici. Our ultimate conclusions about life are poles apart. He is essentially a believer in aristocracy and conservatism, I in democracy and liberalism.
What he calls degeneration and physiological botchedness seems to me part of the inevitable price we must pay, at any rate temporarily, for civilization. One can, of course, say that civilization is not worth the price we have to pay for it, but what is the alternative? In former times, the unfitter individuals in a community were eliminated by defect or disease or accident. The short-sighted man could not see well enough to avoid some threatening danger, and was likely to perish as a result. Infectious diseases, such as typhoid fever, diphtheria, or scarlet fever generally proved fatal. If a child was born with a weak digestion the chances were greatly against its survival. If a man broke a limb or fractured his skull or was mauled by a wild beast the injury very often meant death. But nowadays, what with advances in hygiene and in medical and surgical knowledge and skill, a great number of these defective, diseased or injured persons are saved. We give the short-sighted man spectacles which enable him to perceive and avoid approaching danger. We cure a large proportion of the sufferers from infectious diseases. We feed the baby, whose digestion is weak, on special artificial foods, and the probability is that it will survive. The humanitarian ideas which are part of our present-day ethic lead us to cherish the weak and sickly, even at the expense of the healthier members of the community. Often the weakness and sickliness is transmitted to their offspring, and the same humanitarianism leads us to preserve the weakly next generation in its turn. The result is that, among marriageable adults of both sexes, there are undoubtedly a large number of persons who, in more primitive conditions, would inevitably have perished. These are the degenerate and the physiologically botched.
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These are the people who must be classed as something below A1 when it comes to the choice of a mate.
So far I am in complete agreement with Mr. Ludovici. But such a large proportion of the population must be classed as physiologically botched, in a greater or lesser degree, that, if we rule them out, there are few left from whom to choose. What are we to do? If we endeavour to inculcate sound prejudices and high standards, how many will satisfy the prejudices and reach the standards? And so, while I agree with Mr. Ludovici in theory, I disagree with him when it comes to applying the theory in practice. We are like two physicians, who are completely united in their diagnosis of a case, but differ widely regarding the treatment that is to be carried out.
But there! It is unfair of an Editor, in his introduction, to begin a debate with the author, whose book is already written, and who has no opportunity of replying. I must join issue with him, on this point and on others, elsewhere.
In spite of such differences of opinion, I enjoy reading Ludovici. He interests me, he stimulates me, he sets my mind working along new paths. I admire his capacity for independent thinking, his ever-present alertness in questioning conventional beliefs, and in re-examining the evidence, or lack of evidence, underlying them. And, above all, I admire his courage in proclaiming what he believes to be the truth. About Christianity, for example, and about the importance of recognizing the effect of the old Greek attitude to homosexuality if we are properly to understand the old Greek Civilization. And about incest and in-breeding.
I could write many pages about my reasons for enjoying and admiring Mr. Ludovici's work. But this is not the place for it. Here I must only say that though I cannot share some of his conclusions, I nevertheless believe that this book will be very valuable to the critical reader. It is a pioneer work, offering guidance towards the solution of a problem about which, up to the present, little or no guidance has been available to the English public.
127 Harley Street,
- p. vii -
My aim has been to supply authoritative information and guidance. So much that is merely conjecture has been written on the sex question, and so much of the popular literature on my present subject has nothing but the whimsicality and imagination of its authors to recommend it, that I thought it worth while to try to prepare for the reading public a book on human mating, which, if not wholly supported by science, is at least based, wherever science fails, on the authority of the best human traditions.
It was not easy to achieve this aim, and no one could be better aware than I am of the extent to which I have fallen short of it; but m so far as I have succeeded, this is actually the first book of its kind on the subject. It may be inadequate. But at least it constitutes the first serious attempt to furnish an objective treatment of the problems involved.
I found very little authoritative literature on the choice of a mate, and was obliged to seek the material for this first comprehensive contribution to that literature over the whole field of human experience anthropology, medicine, art, history philosophy, psychology, biography, fiction, poetry, dramatic works, and the lay and scientific press. On the problem of consanguinity alone I have had to range over the whole history of civilization. And if, in my inquiries, I have regarded as certain and conclusive only those scientific findings which the best human traditions confirm, it is because, without this check on science, its most trustful devotee may later on find its conclusions reversed by the successors of the present generation of scientists.
I mention all these matters, not in order to vaunt my patience and industry, for these are nothing in themselves; but in the first place, to make it clear that this book is in every respect a pioneer effort and that it cannot, therefore, fail to suffer from the shortcomings and blemishes of all such works; and secondly because by acknowledging my difficulties from the outlet I hope to be able to secure the reader's indulgence.
- p. viii -
Beauty, desirability and health are all relative. In many respects they are, within the same race, or complex of culture-values, synonymous terms. In the sexual mating of modern civilized mankind, however, we are concerned with other factors besides merely æsthetic qualities and a norm of health. We are concerned with a conflict of values, divergences of type, a mixture of races, a graduated scale of morbidity and health, vitiation of instinct, appetite and taste, and neurotic and aberrant features of all kinds, which make the whole question of choice in mating one of great complexity.
To lay down hard and fast rules in the present state of knowledge would be daring to the point of recklessness. This does not mean, however, that we may not try to frame certain general principles and attempt the outlining of rules which, although incomplete and inconclusive, will at least put an end to a good many of the more crass errors, and expose some of the misleading popular superstitions prevailing on the subject.
As usual in my work, my inclination has been always to adopt an attitude of reverence towards those customs and judgments of mankind which hail from civilizations that have nourished and endured conspicuously, and to approach with suspicion and scepticism everything that hails from civilizations that have been notably ephemeral or inferior, or from any period of superior civilizations which has been characterized by decline and disintegration.
Against the judgments of a civilization in which the plant man has nourished luxuriantly, not even the most self-satisfied fiats of modern science have been able to move me. For it was chiefly this unswerving faith in the wisdom of great civilizations which, twenty years ago, lent me the strength to uphold, against the science of that day, my belief in the closest consanguineous marriages (in fact, in incest) as a regenerative measure a belief which, as the reader will see, has only recently been confirmed by one of the greatest biologists of our day.
I state this in order to give the reader some idea of my method; for, as I pointed out in the preface to the second edition of my DEFENCE OF ARISTOCRACY, if science observed the same principle that is to say, if scientists always scrupulously compared their conclusions with the soundest traditions of the most nourishing civilizations we should not constantly be confronted by the discreditable recantations and contradictions which mark the progress of scientific investigation.
- p. ix -
I shall not easily forget the scene, about ten years ago, in the hall hired by the Society for the Study of Sex Psychology when, with the Editor of the present series in the chair, I delivered an address, answering in the affirmative the question, "Would a revival of incest, or the closest approximation thereto, be beneficial to mankind?" Nor shall I forget a meeting on a small scale held a little later in a private house on the Suffolk coast, when I briefly expounded the theory on consanguinity advanced in these pages. Even at that time, scientists had not completely committed themselves in favour of my thesis, which I admit took its original root in an emotional bias and which I then founded chiefly on the wisdom of old and flourishing civilizations. The feelings of my listeners consequently ranged from consternation in the first case, to shocked and rather contemptuous amusement in the second. On neither occasion, however, except for the chairman of the first meeting, who, as everyone knows, is among the most enlightened and broadminded of scientific men, did I meet with the smallest sign of understanding or even of curiosity among my listeners, and I have no doubt that most of those present on both occasions went away more alarmed than interested.
Now as very few of the audience at the first meeting, and none at the second, had the requisite knowledge to oppose my views on biological and genetic grounds, and were shocked and hostile merely because of unreasoning prejudice, these two experiences naturally did not shake me. But they did leave me wondering. And what I asked myself was whether a State could not well afford to neglect educating its nationals for knowledge, if only it took care to train them in prejudice; because, in the end, it is prejudices (or the prerequisites of artificially-conditioned reflexes), whether right or wrong, that control conduct. And, educationally, the State is concerned chiefly with controlling the conduct of its members. But more of this anon.
Returning to the question of science; where it seems to me to go too far in another direction, is in its excessively rigorous exclusion of those "opinions" and judgments which, though not scientific, are the result of a long and intelligently observant life. Such judgments have their value, because all experience, particularly that of great minds, contributes to the common stock of human wisdom. Science is the product of observation. The test now applied by science to any single piece of observation is to ask, "Can it be verified? Can it be confirmed?" And if every average man, with suitable instruments or apparatus, is
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able to confirm it, it passes into the stock-book of orthodox knowledge.
This method has immense advantages. It acts as a sort of police patrol clearing from the highways and byways of knowledge the irresponsible vapourings of quacks and charlatans. But it also has its disadvantages, because it tends to rule out from our stock of orthodox knowledge all those observations, for the registration of which the average man does not possess either the natural antennæ or even the scientific instruments of precision.
Science, therefore, suffers a loss by aspiring to a too democratic or too egalitarian ideal, and it is in order to avoid this loss that I have not refrained from quoting the judgments of such great and acknowledged observers of men and life as Shakespeare, Bacon, Goethe, La Bruyère, Stendhal, Balzac, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Byron, Dickens, Heine, de Quincey, Paul Bourget, etc.
Is it generally known that the modern doctrine of repressions in psychology was summed up by Schopenhauer in one short paragraph over a century ago? Are many people aware of the fact that Goethe, in his works on the metamorphosis of plants and animal morphology, foreshadowed the Darwinian theory of evolution? And how many readers of Freud know de Quincey on sexual repression and its effect, or Heine on the sex and body phobia of Christianity a criticism in which he anticipated an important part of the modern Nietzschean attack on Christianity?
There is all the difference in the world between respecting as contributions to knowledge, the judgments of a merely popular figure, whether his fame has been acquired in film work or in finance, and respecting the observations of a tried and conscientious observer of men. The former is the practice of modern journalism and the public for which it caters; the latter has been the practice of the wisest of mankind throughout the Ages. In associating myself with those who adopt the latter practice, therefore, my object was to enrich rather than to impoverish my book, and I feel that few will wish to quarrel with me on that score.
One last word. This was a book which I was destined to write sooner or later. As I pointed out eleven years ago in my Introduction to WOMAN: A VINDICATION, "at the age of nineteen I wrote my first book, which bore the title GIRLS AND LOVE, and, ever since, the subject of sex has scarcely ever ceased from
- p. xi -
occupying my mind in various ways." Nor could one, I think, be occupied for a whole life-time with a more beautiful and absorbing subject. From the blossom that emblazons the landscape in the spring, the flowers that make Nature and our gardens radiant with colour and freshness, and the songs of the birds which inspire the poet, to the bewildering majesty of man and woman at maturity, with the ecstasy that their union implies, all the beauty, all the uplifting aspects of life are steeped in sex. And, if the Puritan in his ignorance and prurience, insists on keeping his sanctimonious nose to the flower, and his shocked ears to the songs of the birds, when he would dwell on the wonders of creation, simply because the fundamental sex element in these manifestations of Nature are less obvious to the uninformed than in the beauties of human sexuality, I, for my part, am more catholic, and am proud to think that for all these years, my mind has dwelt on the whole panorama of sex, and not merely on those "respectable" aspects of it which are allowed to be seen and mentioned in middle-class drawing-rooms. I do not believe in the Christian god, but I think that those who do, pay him little honour in thus picking and choosing from among his alleged creations, and "turning down" what their repressed natures cannot contemplate without a shudder.
This first book, GIRLS AND LOVE, which, I need hardly say, was never published, was an attempt to deal with the very subject I propose to discuss in the present volume. The truth is that, on and off, I must have been thinking about it ever since my nineteenth year, and thus the circle of my life-work on sex seems to be closed.
It only remains for me now to express my thanks to the Secretary and Secretarial Staff of the Eugenics Society for their untiring courtesy in allowing me to consult their library, and also gratefully to acknowledge the assistance given me by Dr. H. S. Harrison, of the Horniman Museum, and the advice and kind help I have received from the Librarian of that Institution, Mr. Gaskin.
October, 1934.
- p. xiii -
Abbreviations Used in the Notes to this Book
to Refer to the Authors More Often Quoted 1
A. |
ANTHROPOMÉTRIE, by Ad. Quetelet (Brussels, 1870). |
A.E. |
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS, by G. Elliot Smith (London, 1923). |
A.H.E. |
A.P.F. |
THE ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL FITNESS, by Prof. G. Dreyer and G. Fulford Hanson (London, 1920). |
A.-R. |
THE ANANGA-RANGA (a Hindu treatise on Conjugal Love. Translated into French by B. de Villeneuve. Paris, 1921). |
B.D.M. |
DIE BEHAARUNG DES MENSCHEN, by Dr. Oskar F. Scheuer (Vienna, 1933). |
B.F.L. |
HUMAN HEREDITY, by Drs. Erwin Baur, Eugen Fischer and Fritz Lenz. Trans. by Eden and Cedar Paul (London, 1931). |
B.M. |
THE BOOK OF MARRIAGE (a Symposium). Arranged and edited by Count Hermann Keyserling. Except for the Essays by English contributors, the translation has been done by various hands mentioned at the end of the volume. (London, 1926). |
B.M.J. |
C.M.R. |
THE MYSTIC ROSE, by Ernest Crawley (4th Edition, London, 1932). |
C.M.D.R. |
CHILD-MARRIAGES, DIVORCES AND RATIFICATIONS, etc. In the Diocese of Chester, A.D. 15616, by Fred. J. Furnivall (London, 1897). |
D.A. |
DE L'AMOUR, by Stendhal (Popular Ed., Garnier Frères). |
D.C.S.R. |
DEGENERACY: ITS CAUSES, SIGNS AND RESULTS, by Dr. E. S. Talbot (London, 1898). |
D.E.T.G. |
D.M. |
DISEASE AND THE MAN, by Dr. George Draper (London,
1930). |
1 All other works will be found fully described in the Notes. In cases where translations are not mentioned, the English rendering of passages quoted in the text has usually been supplied by the author of the present work.
- p. xiv -
D.M.B. |
DESCENDANTS OF THE MUTINEERS OF THE "BOUNTY", by Harry J. Shapiro (Hawaii, 1929). |
D.O.M. |
THE DESCENT OF MAN, by Charles Darwin (London, 1885). |
D.P. |
DIE PROSTITUTION, by Dr. Iwan Bloch (Vol. I. Berlin, 1912). |
D.P.C. |
DIAGNOSING PERSONALITY AND CONDUCT, by Percival M. Symonds (New York, 1931). |
D.S.W.K. |
DIE SCHÖNHEIT DES WEIBLICHEN KÖRPERS, by Professor C. H. Stratz (41st Ed., Stuttgart, 1928). |
D.W. |
DAS WEIB IN DER NATUR- UND VÖLKERKUNDE, by Drs. H. Ploss and M. P. Bartels. Revised by Ferd. von Reitzenstein. (Berlin, 1927.) |
E.B. |
ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA (Editions as stated in the Notes). |
E.G.G. |
GESPRÄCHE MIT GOETHE, by J. P. Eckermann (Reclam edition, Leipzig). |
E.M. |
ENCYCLOPÆDIA MEDICA (edited by Dr. J. W. Ballantyne. 2nd Ed., London, 1915). |
E.R. |
F. |
FEMINISM, by Professor K. A. Wieth-Knudsen (London, 1929). |
F.F. |
FRAUENSPORT UND FRAUENKÖRPER, by Dr. Stephan Westmann (Leipzig, 1930). |
F.I.L.T. |
FACTORS IN THE LIFE OF TWENTY-TWO HUNDRED WOMEN, by Katherine B. Davis (New York, 1929). |
G.K. |
GESCHLECHTSKUNDE, by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld (Stuttgart, 1926, 1928, etc.). |
G.M. |
GENIALE MENSCHEN, by Dr. Ernst Kretschmer (2nd Ed., Berlin, 1931). |
G.R.P. |
THE GLANDS REGULATING PERSONALITY, by Dr. Louis Berman (New York, 1928). |
G.S. |
THE GRAMMAR OF SCIENCE (2nd Ed., London, 1900). |
H. |
HEREDITY, by Dr. F. A. E. Crew (2nd Ed., London, 1928). |
H.E. |
HEREDITY AND EUGENICS, by R. Ruggles Gates (London, 1923). |
H.I.M. |
HEREDITY IN MAN, by R. Ruggles Gates (London, 1929). |
H.R. |
HEREDITAS (Vol. II, 1921) RASSENMISCHUNG, by Prof. H. Lundborg. |
H.S.W. |
Heine's SÄMTLICHE WERKE (Hamburg, 1885). |
I.H.F. |
INQUIRIES INTO HUMAN FACULTY, by F. Galton (Dent's Edition). |
I.M. |
IDEAL MARRIAGE, by Dr. Th. H. Van de Velde. (Trans. by Stella Browne, London, 1928.) |
I.U.V. |
INZUCHT UND VERMISCHUNG, by Dr. A. Reibmayr (Leipzig, 1897). |
J.A.M.A. |
- p. xv -
J.E.P. |
K.A.F. |
DAS KLIMAKTERISCHE ALTER DER FRAUEN, by Dr. E. Heinrich Kisch (Erlangen, 1874). |
K.U.C. |
KONSTITUTION UND CHARAKTER (a Symposium, edited by Dr. Max Hirsch, Berlin, 1928). |
K.U.E. |
KULTUR UND ENTARTUNG, by Prof. Bumke (Berlin, 1922). |
L.C. |
LES CARACTÈRES, by La Bruyère. |
L.M. |
LAW-BOOK OF MANU (Max Müller's Edition). |
M.A.I. |
MAN: AN INDICTMENT, by A. M. Ludovici (London, 1927). |
M.A.K. |
DIE MESTIZEN AUF KISAR, by Dr. Ernst Rodenwaldt (Jena, 1928). |
M.A.R. |
M.D. |
MARRIAGE AND DISEASE (a Symposium, Edit. by Prof. Senator and Dr. S. Kaminer. Trans. by Dr. S. Dalberg. 2nd Edit. London, 1908). |
M.H. |
MARRIAGE AND HEREDITY, by J. F. Nisbet (2nd Edit. London, 1890). |
M.L. |
MILROY LECTURES, 1928, delivered by Dr. F. A. E. Crew on the GENETICAL ASPECTS OF NATURAL IMMUNITY AND DISEASE RESISTANCE (Edin. Med. Journal, June, 1928). |
M.M. |
MODERN MARRIAGE, by Paul Popenoe (New York, 1927). |
MO. |
THE MOTHERS, by Dr. Robert Briffault (London, 1927). |
M.O.C. |
ON MARRIAGES OF CONSANGUINITY, by Gilbert W. Child, M.D. (in the British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, April, 1862). |
M.P. |
MIMIK UND PHYSIONOMIK, by Dr. Theodor Piderit (Detmold, 1919, but originally published in 1859). |
M.R. |
THE MEDITERRANEAN RACE, by Prof. G. Sergi (London, 1901). |
M.W. |
MAN AND WOMAN, by Havelock Ellis (London, 1904). |
N.E. |
NEGER EROS, by Felix Bryk (Berlin, 1928). |
O.I.I.M. |
ORGANIC INHERITANCE IN MAN, by Dr. F. A. E. Crew (London, 1927). |
O.R.H.P. |
O.S. |
THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES, by Darwin (London, 1901). |
P. |
POPULATION (Lecture on the Harris Foundation, 1927, by various authors Corrado Gini and others (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1930). |
P.A.M. |
PHYSIOLOGIE DE L'AMOUR MODERNE, by Paul Bourget (2nd Ed., Paris, 1917). |
- p. xvi -
P.B. |
PERSONAL BEAUTY, an Essay by Herbert Spencer (Essays Scientific, Political and Speculative. London, 1901, Vol. II, pp. 385399. First published in 1854). |
P.B.P. |
Stockard, (London, 1931). |
P.B.R.B. |
PERSONAL BEAUTY AND RACIAL BETTERMENT, by Knight Dunlap (London, 1920). |
P.C. |
PHYSIQUE AND CHARACTER, by Dr. Ernst Kretschmer (trans. by W. J. H. Sprott, London, 1925). |
P.E. |
PHYSIOGNOMY AND EXPRESSION, by Paolo Mantegazza (London, 1889). |
P.F.M. |
PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE, by Walter Heape, F.R.S., London, 1914). |
P.L. |
PHYSIQUE DE L'AMOUR, by Rémy de Gourmont (Paris,
1912). |
P.L.R. |
(Leipzig, 1886). |
P.M. |
LA PHYSIOLOGIE DU MARIAGE, by Balzac (Paris, Calman Lévy Edit. of Complete Works). |
P.P. |
PARERGA UND PARALIPOMENA, by Schopenhauer (Reclam). |
P.S.D. |
Macdonald (St. Louis, 1907). |
P.S.M. |
A PLAN FOR THE STUDY OF MAN, by Dr. A. Macdonald
(U.S.A., 1902). |
P.T. |
PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES, by Dr. C. G. Jung (trans. by
H. G. Baynes, London, 1923). |
P.T.D.I. |
PRAXIS UND THEORIE DER INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGIE, by Dr. Alfred Adler (3rd Ed., Munich, 1927). |
R. |
RATI-SASTRAM (English trans. of old Sanscrit MSS. on sexology, Calcutta, 1908). |
R.B. |
B.B.M. |
Lundborg (reprinted from Bibliographica Genetica,
VIII, 1931. The Hague. M. Nÿhoff). |
R.E. |
THE RACES OF EUROPE, by W. Z. Ripley (London, 1900). |
R.E.W. |
THE RACES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, by Dr. H. J. Fleure (London, 1923). |
R.H. |
RACIAL HYGIENE, by J. B. Rice (New York, 1929). |
R.L.M. |
by Ludwig Friedländer (trans. by Leonard A. Magnus and H. H. Freese, London, 190813). |
R.L.P.B. |
ROMANTIC LOVE AND PERSONAL BEAUTY, by H. J. Finck (London, 1887). |
- p. xvii -
R.O.B. |
THE RACES OF BRITAIN, by Dr. John Beddoe (London, 1885). |
R.O.M. |
THE RACES OF MAN, by Dr. J. Deniker (London, 1900). |
R.R. |
RATI-SASTRA RATNAVALI (another translation of the RATISASTRAM above. Published in Madras, 1905). |
R.U.K. |
RASSE UND KÖRPERBAU, by Dr. Franz Weidenreich (Berlin, 1927). |
S.C. |
SEX AND CHARACTER, by Otto Weininger (trans. from 6th German Ed. London, 1906). |
S.E. |
SEXUAL ETHICS, by Prof. Robert Michels (London, 1914). |
S.G.D. |
Fleming (Med. Research Council, London, 1933). |
S.H.I.M. |
Velde (London, 1931). |
S.L.A.G. |
(trans. by J. H. Freese, London, 1932). |
S.L.O.T. |
(London, 1920). |
S.L.S.E. |
SEX LIFE AND SEX ETHICS, by René Guyon (London,
1933). |
S.L.W. |
(trans. by Eden Paul, London, 1921). |
S.P.S. |
STUDIES IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX, by Havelock Ellis (Philadelphia, 1905). |
S.P.W. |
SEX PROBLEMS OF WOMEN, by Dr. A. C. Magian (London,
1922). |
S.R.C. |
SEXUAL REFORM CONGRESS (Proceedings of the Third
Congress of World League for Sexual Reform. Edited
by Dr. Norman Haire. London, 1930). |
S.S.N.M. |
MELANESIA, by Prof. Malinowski (London, 1929). |
T. |
LES TEMPÉRAMENTS, by Dr. Leon MacAuliffe (Paris,
1926). |
TAL. |
DER BABYLONISCHE TALMUD. Trans. by Lazarus Goldschmidt (Berlin, 1932). |
T.E. |
TOTEMISM AND EXOGAMY, by Sir James Frazer (London,
1910). |
T.J.C. |
THE JEWISH CHILD, by Dr. W. M. Feldman (London,
1917). |
T.M. |
A THOUSAND MARRIAGES, by R. L. Dickinson and L. Bean (London, 1932). |
T.M.B. |
TYPES OF MIND AND BODY, by Dr. E. Miller (London, 1926). |
T.O.S. |
THE OPPOSITE SEXES, by Dr. Adolf Heilborn (trans. by J. E. Pryde-Hughes, London, 1927). |
- p. xviii -
V.A.P.U.D. |
W. |
WOMAN, by Dr. B. A. Bauer (trans. by E. S. Jordan and
Dr. Norman Haire, London, 1927). |
W.S.H. |
WEN SOLL MAN HEIRATEN? (a Symposium. Frankfurt a.
M., 1923). |
W.V. |
WOMAN: A VINDICATION, by A. M. Ludovici (London,
1923). |
W.W. |
WISE WEDLOCK, by Dr. G. Courtenay Beale (London,
1921). |
W.W.V. |
DIE WELT ALS WlLLE UND VORSTELLUNG, by Schopenhauer (Reclam). |
Z.P.F. |
Dr. Anton Schücker (Leipzig, 1931). |
- p. xix -
Part I
General Findings
I |
On Choice in General and the Obstacles in the Way of a Sound Choice |
1 |
II |
The More Fundamental Desiderata. (I) Consanguinity |
43 |
The More Fundamental Desiderata. (II) Consanguinity |
92 |
IV |
The More Fundamental Desiderata. (III) Beauty and Ugliness (Generally Considered) |
151 |
V |
The More Fundamental Desiderata. (IV) Beauty and Health |
194 |
Part II
Findings Applicable to the Two Sexes Respectively
General Preamble. Physiognomy, Human Points and Morphology, Avenues of Approach from the Visible to the Invisible. What is Normal? |
259 |
I |
The Approaches from the Visible to the Invisible |
248 |
II |
The Subject of the Previous Chapter Continued |
296 |
The Female Leg and the Influence of Dress on Morphology and Temperaments |
344 |
Part III
Mainly Inferences from Parts I and II
I |
The Desirable Mate (Male) |
387 |
II |
The Desirable Mate (Female) |
451 |
Index |
497 |
- p. xxi -
List of Illustrations
Figure |
I. |
The Human Ear |
219 |
" |
II. |
Face with Inward Cast |
253 |
" |
III. |
Face with Outward Cast |
254 |
" |
IV. |
Mask of the Asthenic Schizophrene |
278 |
" |
V. |
Mask of the Athletic Schizophrene |
278 |
" |
VI. |
Masks of Pyknic Type |
279 |
" |
VII. |
MacAuliffe's Four Types |
393 |
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"Jusqu'ici, nul géomètre n'a osé tracer des lignes de longitude et de latitude sur la mer conjugale. Les vieux maris ont eu vergogne d'indiquer les banes de sable, les récifs, les écueils, les brisants, les moussons, les côtes et les courants qui ont détruits leurs barques, tant ils avaient honte de leurs naufrages. Il manquait un guide, une boussole aux pèlerins mariés . . . cet ouvrage est destiné à leur en servir."