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Typos — p. 217: L'inégalite [= L'inégalité]; p. 217: Bobs-Merrill [= Bobbs-Merrill]

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In consulting this bibliography the reader is begged to remember that various books by authors less often referred to are not listed here but described fully in the text.

(1) Aristocracy, 1931, by Philip Mairet. C. W. Daniel & Co.

(2) Animal Aggregations, 1931, by Prof. W. C. Allee. University of Chicago Press.

(3) Annals of the British Peasantry, 1908, by Russell M. Garnier. Sonnenshein & Co.

(4) The Arts and Crafts of Ancient Egypt, 1910, by Prof. Flinders Petrie. T. N. Foulis, Edinburgh.

(5) The Ancient Egyptians and their Influence upon the Civilisation of Europe, 1911, by Prof. Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. Harper & Brothers, New York.

(6) Art in Egypt, 1912, by Dr. G. Maspero. William Heinemann & Co., Ltd.

(7) Anthropology and Modern Life, 1929, by Dr. Franz Boas. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.

(8) America's Place in the World, 1945, by Nathaniel Peffer. Viking Press, New York.

(9) Art and the Reformation, 1928, by Dr. G. G. Coulton. Basil Blackwood, Oxford.

(10) Ægypten und Ægyptisches Leben im Altertum, 1923, by Adolf Erman.

(11) The Birth of Civilization in the Near East, 1951, by Henri Frankfort. Williams & Norgate.

(12) Buried Empires, by Patrick Carleton. E. Arnold & Co., Ltd.

(13) The Blood Factor Rh. in Man, 1944, by Dr. Birger Broman. The University Pediatric Clinic, Stockholm.

(14) The Biological Foundations of Society, 1924, by Prof. Arthur Dendy. Constable & Co., Ltd.

(15) Human Ecology, 1935, by Dr. J. W. Bews. Oxford University Press.

(16) The British Medical Journal.

(17) Beyond Politics, 1939, by Christopher Dawson. Sheed & Ward, Ltd.

(18) Cambridge Ancient History. Cambridge University Press.

(19) Chaucer and his England, by Dr. G. G. Coulton. Methuen & Co., Ltd.

(20) Citizens Growing Up, 1949. (Ministry of Education Pamphlet, No. 16.)

(21) Civitas Humana, 1948, by Prof. Wilhelm Röpke. William Hodge & Co., Ltd.

(22) The Constitutional History of England, 1897, by Dr. W. Stubbs. Clarendon Press.

(23) Civilization in England, 1871, by Henry Buckle.

(24) Cambridge Modern History. Cambridge University Press.

(25) The Causes of Evolution, 1932, by Prof. J. B. S. Haldane. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd.

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(26) The Choice of a Mate, 1935, by A. M. Ludovici. John Lane.

(27) Capitalism and Slavery, 1924, by Eric Williams.

(28) Democracy, 1935, by C. Delisle Burns. Thornton Butterworth, Ltd.

(29) A Defence of Aristocracy, 1915, by A. M. Ludovici, Constable & Co., Ltd.

(30) Democracy and a Changing Civilization, 1934, by J. A. Hobson. John Lane.

(31) Democracy and Leadership, 1924, by Irving Babbitt. Houghton Mifflin &
Co., Boston.

(32) Democracy and the Individual, 1943, by Carleton Kemp Allen. Oxford University Press.

(33) Degeneracy: Its Causes, Signs and Results, 1898, by Dr. E. S. Talbot. Walter Scott Publishing Co.

(34) Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Talents und Genies, 1908, by Dr. A. Reibmayr.

(35) Democracy and Liberty, 1893–1895, by W. E. Lecky.

(36) Disease and the Man, 1930, by Dr. George Draper. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(37) Descendants of the Mutineers of the Bounty, 1929, by Harry L. Shapiro. Published in Honolulu.

(38) Dictionary of National Biography.

(39) The Decline of Aristocracy, 1912, by Arthur Ponsonby. T. Fisher Unwin.

(40) A Defence of Conservatism, 1927, by A. M. Ludovici. Faber & Faber Ltd.

(41) A Defence of Democracy, 1938, by Middleton Murry. Jonathan Cape, Ltd.

(42) The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin. John Murray.

(43) Diagnosis of Our Time, 1943, by Prof. Karl Mannheim. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(44) Ethnos, 1931, by Sir Arthur Keith. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(45) Encyclopædia Britannica, 1908. Cambridge University Press.

(46) Emotion as the Basis of Civilisation, 1928, by J. H. Denison. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York and London.

(47) The English Constitution, 1867, by Walter Bagehot.

(48) Esprit des Lois, 1750, by Montesquieu.

(49) The Evolution of England, 1931, by Dr. J. A. Williamson. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

(50) Eternal Eve, 1950, by Harvey Graham. William Heinemann (Medical Books), Ltd.

(51) Educating for Democracy, 1939, Edit. by J. I. Cohen and R. M. W. Travers. Macmillan & Co., Ltd.

(52) Englische Geschichte, 1870, by Dr. Leopold Ranke.

(53) The English Heritage, 1937, by Rex Welldon Finn. William Heinemann, Ltd.

(54) The Elizabethan House of Commons, 1949, by Prof. J. E. Neale. Jonathan Cape, Ltd.

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(55) Essays on Human Evolution, 1946, by Sir Arthur Keith. C A Watts & Co., Ltd.

(56) The Eugenics Review.

(57) Representative Government (Essay, 1857), by Herbert Spencer.

(58) Education and Social Change, 1940, by Sir Fred Clarke. Sheldon Press, London.

(59) English Social History, 1944, by Prof. G. M. Trevelyan. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd.

(60) Essai sur L'inégalite des Races Humaines, 1854, by Count Gobineau.

(61) The Theory of the Leisure Class, 1924, by Thorstein Veblen. The Viking Press, New York.

(62) Enemies of Women, 1948, by A. M. Ludovici. Carrol and Nicholson, Ltd.

(63) The False Assumptions of Democracy, 1921, by A. M. Ludovici. Heath Cranton & Co., Ltd.

(64) The Foundations of Character and Personality, 1937, by Dr. G. H. Betts. The Bobs-Merrill Co., Inc., New York.

(65) Farewell to European History, 1948, by Prof. A. Weber. Yale University Press.

(66) Freedom in the Educative Society, 1948, by Sir Fred Clarke. University of London Press.

(67) From Freedom to Bondage, 1894, by Herbert Spencer.

(68) The Four Pillars of Health, 1945, by A. M. Ludovici. Heath Cranton &
Co., Ltd.

(69) The Freudian Psychology and Veblen's Social Theory, 1948, by Prof. Louis Schneider. King's Crown Press, New York.

(70) La Révolution, 1909, by Louis Madelin. Funck-Brentano, Paris.

(71) The Growth of English History and Commerce, 1896, by Archdeacon Cunningham. Cambridge University Press.

(72) Heredity and Eugenics, 1923, by R. Ruggles Gates. Constable and Co., Ltd.

(73) Human Biology and Racial Welfare, 1930 (A Symposium). H. K. Lewis &
Co., Ltd., London.

(74) Histoire de la Civilization en Europe, Paris, 1851, by F. Guizot. 6th Edition.

(75) Human Ecology, 1948, by Dr. Thomas Robertson, William MacLellan, Glasgow.

(76) History of the Grand Rebellion, 1717, by Lord Clarendon.

(77) Human Heredity, 1931, by Drs. Erwin Baur, Eugen Fischer, and Fritz Lenz.

(78) History, Heritage and Environment, 1946, by Harry B. McNicoll. Faber and Faber, Ltd.

(79) Heredity in Man, 1929, by R. Ruggles Gates. Constable & Co., Ltd.

(80) History of Agriculture and Prices, 1866, by Prof. Thorold Rogers.

(81) Heredity and Politics, 1938, by J. B. S. Haldane. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.

(82) History, Psychology and Culture, 1933, by Alexander Goldenweiser. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(83) A History of the Political Philosophers, 1950, by Prof. George Catlin. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.

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(84) A History of the Ancient Egyptians, 1908, by Prof. J. H. Breasted. Smith Elder & Co., Ltd., London.

(85) The Industrial and Commercial History of England, 1891, by Prof. Thorold Rogers. T. Fisher Unwin.

(86) In Defence of Democracy, 1935, by Drs. J. S. Fulton and C. R. Morris. Methuen & Co., Ltd.

(87) Ideology and Utopia, by Prof. Karl Mannheim. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(88) Inzucht und Vermischung, 1897, by Dr. A. Reibmayr.

(89) King Charles and the Conspirators, 1937, by Dr. Wingfield-Stratford. Secker & Warburg, Ltd.

(90) The Laws of Manu.

(91) Lives of the Queens of England, 1868, by Agnes Strickland.

(92) My Apprenticeship, 1926, by Beatrice Webb. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd.

(93) Die Metitzen auf Kisar, 1928, by Dr. Ernst Rodenwaldt.

(94) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 1878, by Wilkinson.

(95) Modern Democracies, 1921, by Lord Bryce. Macmillan & Co., Ltd.

(96) Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, 1942, by Prof. M. F. Ashley Montagu. Columbia University Press. 2nd Edition.

(97) Mediæval England, 1903, by Mary Bateson. T. Fisher Unwin.

(98) Migration of British Capital, 1927, by L. H. Jenks. A. A. Knopf, New York.

(99) Mirror for Man, 1949, by Prof. Clyde Klukholn. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

(100) Metropolitan Man, 1937, by Robert Sinclair. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.

(101) Murder Most Foul, 1947, by J. S. Dean. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.

(102) Mediæval Panorama, 1938, by Dr. G. G. Coulton. Cambridge University Press.

(103) The Managerial Revolution, 1942, by James Burnham. Putnam & Co., Ltd. (Also published by Penguin Books.)

(104) Man and Society, 1940, by Prof. Karl Mannheim. Kegan Paul, Trench Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(105) Man, the Unknown, 1935, by Dr. Alexis Carrel. Hamish Hamilton, Ltd. (Also published by Penguin Books.)

(106) The New Leviathan, 1942, by Dr. R. G. Collingwood. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

(107) The Neurosis of Man, 1949, by Dr. Trigant Burrow. Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd.

(108) The Neurotic Personality of our Time, 1937, by Dr. Karen Horney. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(109) The New Systematics, 1940, Edit. by Dr. Julian Huxley. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

(110) Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, 1948, by T. S. Eliot. Faber &
Faber, Ltd.

(111) A New Theory of Human Evolution, 1948, by Sir Arthur Keith. C. A. Watts & Co., Ltd.

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(112) The Origin of Instincts, 1927, by Prof. E. Bugnion. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(113) Organic Inheritance in Man, 1927. by Dr. F. A. E. Crew. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh.

(114) Our Partnership, 1948, by Beatrice Webb. Longmans, Green & Co.,

(115) The Origin of Species, 1902, by Charles Darwin. John Murray.

(116) Patterns of Anti-Democratic Thought, 1949, by Dr. David Spitz. Macmillan & Co., Ltd.

(117) Principles of Biology, by Herbert Spencer.

(118) The Physical Basis of Personality, 1944, by Prof. V. H. Mottram.

(119) Physique and Character, 1925, by Dr. Ernst Kretschmer. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(120) The Political History of England. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd.

(121) The Price of Leadership, 1939, by Middleton Murry. Student Christian Movement Press.

(122) Principles of Western Civilisation, 1902, by Benjamin Kidd. Macmillan &
Co., Ltd.

(123) Politics and Poverty, 1948, by Lewis C. Ord. Mayflower Publishing Co., London.

(124) Principles of Political Economy, 1863, by J. S. Mill.

(125) Parliamentary Reform (Essay, 1860), by Herbert Spencer.

(126) The Rationalist Annual. C. A. Watts & Co., Ltd.

(127) The Racial Basis of Civilisation, 1926, by Prof. Frank H. Hankins. A. A. Knopf, New York.

(128) Die Rassenmischung Beim Menschen, 1931, by Prof. H. Lundborg.

(129) Representative Government, 1861, by J. S. Mill.

(130) The Racial History of Man, 1923, by Prof. Roland B. Dixon. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

(131) Race, Language and Culture. 1940, by Dr. Franz Boas. Macmillan & Co., New York.

(132) Revolutions of Civilization, 1912, by Prof. Flinders Petrie. Harper & Bros., London and New York.

(133) Racial Origins of the English Character, 1926, by R. N. Bradley. Allen &
Unwin, Ltd.

(134) Race and Racism, 1942, by Ruth Benedict. G. Routledge & Sons,

(135) Religion and the Rise of Capitalism 1926, by Prof. R. H. Tawney. John Murray. (Also published by Penguin Books.)

(136) Race, Reason and Rubbish, 1942, by Dr. Gunnar Dahlberg. Allen &
Unwin, Ltd.

(137) Road to Survival, 1948, by William Vogt. William Sloane Associates Inc., New York.

(138) The Scientific Basis of Evolution, 1932, by Dr. T. H. Morgan. Faber &
Faber, Ltd.

(139) Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 1908, by Prof. Thorold Rogers.

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(140) A Study of Growth and Development, 1933, by Miss R. N. Fleming. His Majesty's Stationery Office.

(141) Short History of the English People, 1893, by John R. Green.

(142) Social Life in Great Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation, 1918, by Dr. G. G. Coulton. Cambridge University Press.

(143) Systematics and the Origin of Species, 1940, by Dr. E. Mayr. Columbia Biological Series, New York.

(144) The Sanctity of Private Property, 1932, by A. M. Ludovici. Heath Cranton & Co., Ltd.

(145) Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1873, by J. A. Froude.

(146) The Study of Sociology, 1873, by Herbert Spencer.

(147) The Truth About Childbirth, 1937, by A. M. Ludovici. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.

(148) Towards a New Aristocracy, 1943, by Dr. F. C. Happold. Faber & Faber, Ltd.

(149) The Character of England, Edit. by Sir Ernest Barker. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

(150) The English Notebooks, 1941, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Modern Language Association of America, New York, London, 1941.

(151) The English Spirit, 1944, by Dr. A. L. Rowse, Macmillan & Co., Ltd.

(152) The Impulse to Dominate, 1941, by D. W. Harding. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.

(153) The Social Life of Animals, 1939. by Prof. W. C. Allee. William Heinemann, Ltd.

(154) The Socialist Tradition, 1946, by Alexander Gray. Longmans, Green &
Co., Ltd.

(155) Table Talk, by Coleridge.

(156) Utopia, by Sir Thomas More.

(157) The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 1885, by Charles Darwin. John Murray.

(158) Volk und Rasse (articles), 1928, by Dr. J. A. Mjoen.

(159) View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 1860, by Henry Hallam.

(160) Venise: Une République Patricienne, 1915, by Prof. Charles Diehl. Flammarion et Cie.

(161) Whither Mankind? 1928, Edit, by Prof. Charles Beard. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd.

(162) What's Wrong with the World? 1910, by G. K. Chesterton. Cassell & Co., Ltd.

(163) The Journal of the American Medical Association.



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